My Journey with Monica


Hey, there. I’m Monica. Are you ready to create your best health yet?

I believe that the power of whole, nutritious foods, paired with a balanced and physically active lifestyle is the best way to maintain a healthy, happy life.

As a certified Culinary Nutrition and Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach, I will guide you into learning about yourself, tuning into and trusting your intuition while empowering you with the knowledge so that you can be the CEO of your own body and life.


Grab a cuppa and have a read

For the longest time, my relationship with food was pretty awful. I struggled for years with a really negative body image which led to what I thought was uncontrollable binge and emotionally eating.

I tried diet after diet, coupled with extreme workout routines that I didn’t enjoy and stressful late nights/early mornings to fit in gym classes that I just despised. Eventually, I would lose every once of my motivation and wind up binge and emotional eating until I felt SO guilty and ashamed of my body and actions. Once again I would pick myself up and put myself on a strict regime, hoping that I could reverse all the damage I had done to my body.

I’m sure you can relate to this if you’re struggling with emotional eating right now.

This cycle went on and on for a long time until I hit rock bottom and I felt hopeless. Long story short, I had A LOT of internal work to do. After investing so much time, money and energy into my healing, I finally started to see a way out. Not with one huge epiphany (I don’t feel like those exist in this situation), but with small steps in the right direction over a period of time.

Fast forward to today and I feel comfortable in my skin, guilt free around food and happier and healthier than I ever have. The BEST part is, I have helped other men and women achieve the same results.

I provide all of my clients with a wide range of dietary advice and information with a particular focus on weight loss, gut health and hormonal balance achieved through clean food and lifestyle changes. Through a 80/20 lifestyle method which encourages followers to eat healthily 80%of the time whilst still finding time to indulge in their favourite treat foods for the remaining 20%. With substitutions and a better dietary balance, this provides a far more effective and sustainable form of dieting.

Here’s my

Dieting doesn’t work long term & there is so much more to a healthy lifestyle than counting, tracking & restricting.

Creating sustainable health starts from the inside, when you learn to take care of your mindset, spiritual & emotional health, the ON-the-plate work becomes so much easier to sustain.

Learning to listen to your body & making small, long term sustainable changes beat drastic short term fixes every single time.

Some of my faves

How we can work together

Enrol in the self-paced course

Want to heal yourself but have no idea where to start and not wanting to commit to 1:1 coaching? Try Balanced & Refreshed, a self-paced course which is designed for those who want to get back on track when it comes to clean eating and overall wellbeing.

1:1 Health coaching with me

Ready to change your life? Click here for more info about how I can support you in reaching your health goals. You don’t have to do this alone.

These are available as my gift to you as an instant download. Here, you can feel inspired on healing your relationship with food and finding sustainable health, happiness and confidence.


Feeling my vibe? Schedule a free call and tell me more about you


If you can’t find the information you want on this website, reach out and let’s chat! Maybe you’re a little skepticism of whether I’m actually a real-life human who knows what she’s talking about? I assure you, but don’t take my word for it. Drop your details down and let’s connect!

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Free guide to ending your battle with emotional eating.

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